解題學JavaScript #6 火箭倒數升空

Posted by yunhu412 on 2023-06-11

撰寫這一系列文章的目的,是為了紀錄我在做Udacity JavaScript線上課程的測驗時,是如何思考、如何提問,又是如何一步步修改,產出可以運作、沒有bug的程式。還有,當自己寫出一段可以順利運作但和官方解答不一樣的程式碼時,我是如何嘗試去推敲、去理解官方解答背後的撰寫邏輯是什麼。







var x = 60;
while(x => 0) {
    if(x===50) {
        console.log("Orbiter transfers from ground to internal power");
    else if(x===31) { 
        console.log("Ground launch sequencer is go for auto sequence start");
    else if(x===16) { 
        console.log("Activate launch pad sound suppression system");
    else if(x===10) { 
        console.log("Activate main engine hydrogen burnoff system");
    else if(x===6) { 
        console.log("Main engine start");
    else if(x===0) { 
        console.log("Solid rocket booster ignition and liftoff!"); 
    else {
        console.log("T-"+ x + " seconds");
    x = x-1;

就當我沉浸於「這次怎麼寫得那麼順」的喜悅,按下Test Run鍵之後......



循著這個方向,我今天用不同的方式問 Udacity GPT。

I:What does it means when I pressed "Test Run" bottom with code below and got feedback like this?


Traceback (most recent call last): File "vm_main.py", line 31, in import main File "/tmp/workspaces/e9355d91-a98a-4362-8d34-e3e1b3fe4f81/main.py", line 2, in import studentMain File "/tmp/workspaces/e9355d91-a98a-4362-8d34-e3e1b3fe4f81/studentMain.py", line 3, in util.run_program(['python', 'falcon.py', '-s', 'js_mocha', '-m', 'test']) File "/tmp/workspaces/e9355d91-a98a-4362-8d34-e3e1b3fe4f81/falcon/util.py", line 23, in run_program out, err = program.communicate() File "/usr/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 480, in communicate self.wait() File "/usr/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 1099, in wait pid, sts = _eintr_retry_call(os.waitpid, self.pid, 0) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 125, in _eintr_retry_call return func(*args) KeyboardInterrupt

G:It looks like there was an error in your code. The error message you received is called a "traceback" and it is telling you that there was an error on line 1 of your code. Specifically, the error is caused by the => operator in your while loop condition. This operator is not valid in JavaScript. Instead, you should use the < operator to check if x is greater than 0.

GPT解釋道,我收到的「錯誤訊息」叫做"traceback",它顯示我在第一行程式碼中有個錯誤。這個錯誤是,我把">=" 寫成 "=>" 了!(在前面的題目好像也發生過一遍,只能說這個符號真的還沒內建在我的腦袋裡@@)

根據GTP的回饋,我把第一行的"=>" 改成 ">=",Test Run成功,送出答案也通過了!對照官方解答後也發現兩個寫法是一樣的!


var x = 60;
while(x >= 0) {
    if(x===50) {
        console.log("Orbiter transfers from ground to internal power");
    else if(x===31) { 
        console.log("Ground launch sequencer is go for auto sequence start");
    else if(x===16) { 
        console.log("Activate launch pad sound suppression system");
    else if(x===10) { 
        console.log("Activate main engine hydrogen burnoff system");
    else if(x===6) { 
        console.log("Main engine start");
    else if(x===0) { 
        console.log("Solid rocket booster ignition and liftoff!"); 
    else {
        console.log("T-"+ x + " seconds");
    x = x-1;


#javascript #Coding #code #Udacity #程式 #前端

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